This is the new naughty hentai video Doukyuusei Remake The Animation part 2, a currently hit game making its way around. The tomboy waitress Satomi wondered if Takurou-kun has such otaku hobby. Anime, manga, and game subculture are called otaku in Japan. It’s an acronym for Anime, Comics, and Games. Satomi is a friend of Takurou since their childhood. He hasn’t talked to any girls aside from Satomi from last summer break. But now he will have enough funds to hit on the ladies. And his real summer break starts now with that lewd game! His first morning of the new life begun with the meeting with the redhead schoolgirl Mai-chan. He needs to invite Mai-chan like a man to go with me somewhere on Sunday. The boy was in a great mood when he entered a school. The busty milf in glasses, the female teacher, was on his naughty hentai video way.