In the naughty hentai anime porn Rincan Club part 1, the first episode is named Yamazaki Suzuko and Katsuragi Aiko. A long time ago the beautiful girl Konohana Sakuyahime descended from the Heaven. Her older sister Iwanaga Hime, who accompanied her pretty younger naughty sister, was sent back alone merely because she was considered ugly. Iwanaga laid a curse upon her beautiful younger hentai anime porn sister and all of her descendants that remains until this day. So in order to protect their bodies and souls from this curse, a ceremony is performed when a new or full moon occurs. Upon this mountain top, a lovely maiden serving in the role of the priestess, is violated cruelty by a group of horny men in masks. The ceremony is conducted in order to quell Iwanaga’s rage. The name of this hentai anime porn village is Rinin. This is a place of the birth of the main heroine, Yamazaki Suzuko. The group responsible for carrying out this naughty ceremony is called The Gang Rape Club. Today is a rape day for the young female teacher. She is very beautiful and it should like that as if she is the true reincarnation of Konohama Sakuyahime. This horrible story started several days ago. The young woman returned to Rinin village after graduating from college and teaching at a private naughty school in Tokyo. She wasn’t there eight years. She became a teacher in a local school. She came back at home in order to care for her sick mother. But there is also another reason for her return. There is something that she must take care of in this village. Tamura Motoko is a very pretty blonde hentai anime porn girl and she is the student council president. But she has also another title, President of the Gang Rape Club. The brave sensei vows to stop what that club is doing. Yamazaki has also her own reason. When she was young, her mother was chosen as a priestess. She wanted to die after a cruel rape. Since that time her body is weak. From that point, the young hentai anime porn woman made stopping the Gang Rape Club her goal.