Enjoy watching the Erotic Scenes of the hentai movie Asa Made Jugyou Chu the naughty adaptation of the Japanese manga See Me After Class series written by Akiyoshi Ohta and illustrated by Munyu. The schoolboy Yuuki Kagami has just enrolled Otorinashi Academy. As a new student, he got a room in a dormitory. Due to an error, he will live in a girl’s dormitory. He should share the room with the busty milf Ayana Kakinozaka. She is his anime teacher and she made that mistake in the first place. She is the ditzy young woman with a big heart. She wants to be a guardian for the boy and support him in his school life. And he has not an easy life. Because he lives in the girl’s room, he must cross-dress every time when he leaves the room. The one person who finds out about his situation was the naughty schoolgirl Risa Takabane. In exchange to keep it in a secret, the boy has to be her hentai movie slave.